Bring Souls to Christ -Aug 5th

Que Onda! Things are going well here in Salta, and Elder Ruiz and I
are having a geat time. We play soccer a ton with the church members
and people we teach but more importanlty I am seeing the power Christ
has to change lives.

This week we had a meeting for the Leaders of the mission, and
Presidnet asked us what our vision was as a mission. Everyone gave
some good answers but it turned out to be a lot more simple than we
It is to bring souls to Jesus Christ.

Ive seen the hand of God in so many ways. Sometimes we wait to have a
huge miracle or to have recieve a "sign" but more than anything Ive
come to learn that God works in simple ways. He cares and is aware of
all his chilrdren. How great that I can be an instrument in his hands
to bless the lives of others.

1.didnt take any pics so hers some from last week
2. streets of salta


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