Families Can Be Together Forever

We got our transfers yesterday and Elder Ruiz left to go to Jujuy. It
was honestly such a great transfer with him and he taught me so many
things. He's going to be missed and hopefully I know how to lead the
Zone good enough because i only had 6 weeks to learn haha. My new
companion is Elder Bustos! Hes from Spain and we got here to Argentina
at the same time! were good friends already this transfer is going to
be super great.

This week we went to Cafayate! its one of the most beautiful parts of
our mission and looks a lot like Moab Utah. There's a small town in the
middle of the mountains and we went to go and help the Elders who are

I don't have a lot of time, but one of the small miracles I saw this
week was to see the Montenegro family in church on Sunday. For me in
was something so simple but meant so much thinking about their
potential as an eternal family. This Gospel changes lives and its
amazing to see it in action every day.

Hope everyone has a great week! con Amor, Elder Blackburn

1.sheep lady we talked to
2. Elder Ruiz
3. Elder giorgetti in Cafayate
5.el viaje


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