Hey Guys

Hey guys!

On wednesday we had the opportunity to hear the prophet speak to
Argentina! President Russell m. Nelson came to Buenos Aires, and we
were able to view the transmission up here in the north haha. It was
super cool because he spoke in Spanish and was able to share God´s
message for Argentina in their native language!

Of all the things he taught us and said, I remember feeling the love
he had for Argentina and its people. He spoke of a greater need to
keep the sabbath day holy, especially in these latter days, and how we
need to find joy in the words of Jesus Christ. I know he is the
prophet of God in the earth today, and it was such a blessing to hear
him and see his visit change the lives of Church members here in
Argentina in such short of time.

This week was pretty good! Elder Bustos got sick on Thursday, but now
hes feeling better so thats good! Weve been able to find some great
people to teach.

One day we got lost hahah but it ended up all being for something
because we found this lady that had talked to the missionaries before,
and we were able to teach her and give her a book of Mormon!

this week we had leaders council and president Orquera talked with us
about changing the culture of the mission with our example as leaders.
It was great and we were able to see a lot of old friends too! Every
transfer I have friends who end their mission and its crazy to see how
time is flying by!

 At church this Sunday it was fast and testimony meeting,and so many
people shared their testimonies of President Nelson. The spirit filled
the room and it was one of my favorite meetings here in Palermo. I can
feel the love our father in heaven has for each of his children
every time they testify and share of how he has blessed their lives.

My testimony of fasting was strengthened as well, because we had 9
people we are teaching go to church! i had been praying and fasting to
know how I could be a better missionary and disciple of Jesus Christ,
as well as for help with the people we are teaching. Its crazy to see
my faith grow from more than something I believe, to something that I
know. More than anything ive learned we can trust in God.  It was such
a blessing, and Im looking forward to this month we have to help them
gain for themselves a testimony of this Gospel.

Here's something my MTC teacher sent me and id thought I share it with ya'll.
"many of you are about to finish their missions, some others had to go
home for different reasons, some others are just beginning the mission
and others are just in the middle. but it really doesn't matter where
you are you need to decide today to serve the Lord with more strength
than yesterday because the final result of that decision will be
salvation and eternal family."

Our decision to follow our savior starts today! Have a great week!

1. hna castro goes home
2. elder perkins!!
3. the boys
4.made some dank rice with chees hahah (we didnt have food)


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