Patience & Faith

Things are gooooood here in Salta Argentina! This week we had some
cool experiences and id like to share them with yáll.

1.We went to the doctor on Tuesday for my ingrown toenails so that was fun.

2.We talked with a Jehovah's witness for 40 minutes outside his house.
It started out friendly but then it got to the point where he was
attacking us and questioning our beliefs. I felt the spirit when we
testified of simple truths that we know to be true, and I know he did
too, but sadly he just wanted to argue.

3.We had such a great family night with the Montenegro family. The dad
has lots of questions about the Book of Mormon,and it was great
because before he hadn't really opened up to us about that. We
explained baptism and are helping them pray and read together as a
family. They are such a cool family!!

4.One morning we felt like we needed to contact this house so we did.
The lady who answered had been invited to our church the week before
but didn't go, and she took our visit as a sign that she needs to go.
Were going to be visiting her this week!

5.On Thursday we had Zone Conference. Elder Bustos and I gave a
¨training¨on having the faith to find people to teach, and how we need
to work with the members. It went really well, and im excited for this
month of September because were focusing on sharing the Book of Mormon
with everyone, something that we already do haha but with more of a
focus to work with members of the Church!

6.We taught Noemi, the mom of the family Angelo and i dont think Ive
ever noticed the Holy Ghost before like I did in that lesson. We had
explained the Book of Mormon before, but she never had much of an
interest to read for herself. But in this lesson we were talking and
she said, ¨I suddenly got the desire to know if what you're saying is
true. You've always invited me to read and pray but now I actually want
to!¨We were pretty stoked and explained how answers always come but
they start with our desire to know for ourselves.

7.We talked with this man in the street who started to cry because he
had lost his wife. You could feel his pain, and I felt so sorry for
him, and for the fact that he has lived for so long without hope. Were
going to visit him this week and teach him about the plan of happiness
God has for him and his wife.

This Sunday we gave out little cards for the members to share with
their friends and it was cool to see them get excited to share the

The end of this week we were walking a ton and nobody was home to talk
to. I was feeling a little irritated that we were doing everything
that we should be doing but that the blessings weren't coming how I
wanted. I opened up the scriptures and found this. In Mosiah 22 in the
Book of Mormon it says,

Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth
their patience and their faith.
 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be
lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.

This was exactly what I needed to read! Im a pretty patient person,
but how patient and faithful was I willing to be with God? And the
blessings always come because sunday night we had a great lesson with
katherina and we talked with her about her baptism! i see Gods hand
daily and Im so grateful for this time I have to learn and strengthen
my faith in Jesus Christ.

1.a day in the park zona
3.from the conference
4.the boys
5.salta oeste!


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