The Best Family Ever Got Baptized

This was a great week, probably one of my favorites of the mission! We
were super busy traveling around the zone, and we saw so many
miracles! And I saw a family I've been teaching forever be baptized!!
Let me tell you about the Montenegro family!

The mom has been a member for a few years now, but the dad and the
kids weren't members. Ever since I got here I was hoping they could get
baptized because the kids have been ready for a while now, but the dad
never gave them permission.

After a few lessons with them where we felt the spirit pretty
strongly, the kids made the decision for themselves to be baptized,
despite their dads attitude, and they got baptized Friday! Although
the dad wasn't too on board, he loves them and wants the best for them.
Afterwords, they were super happy and it was a special day.

But the coolest part for me was to see them get confirmed on Sunday
because their dad came to church and he is changing in so many ways!
We watched a video from the Prophet that was centered on the rising
generation, and how we can apply the Lords teachings better in the
family. During and activity where the kids had to make goals, I looked
over to see Miguel (the dad ) helping his kids, and it hit me that
there is no better place to be for this family, (or any family) than
in the church of Jesus Christ! IDK it was so simple yet so powerful
and the JOY i felt for this family in that moment was indescribable.
Im so grateful to have met the family Montenegro and to have been able
to share this experience with them. I know that as Miguel recognizes
the Joy that Christ can bring to his family, he will make the
necessary changes so that he may be with his family forever!

We went to CAFAYATE this week and it was pretty sweet! I was with
Elder Chinchayan for the day and we met some great people.

Claudia is super capa and shes progressing well! She had read,
prayed, and was waiting for us when we passed by! She had felt pretty
confused why she was baptized as a baby when Jesus Christ was baptized
as an adult, and we were able to explain the need we have to follow
Christs example.

We received transfers and Elder bustos and I are staying together
which is awesome! ok thats about it. Un Abrazo! -Elder Blackburn

1.gaby and Magali!
4.Elder Bustos y yo ciudad


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