Helping Hands Nov 4th

This week flew by as always, but we were able to do some pretty cool stuff!
Saturday we had an activity as a Stake to go an do service for the
children's hospital! They gave us the yellow ̈helping hands ̈shirts
and everything, and we painted fences, swing sets, and helped plant
little trees. It was great, and almost the whole zone was able to be

We also had leadership council, and I think it was one of my
favorites. President Orquera shared many things with us, and lots of
changes that we will see in the future, but more than anything he
shared with us his testimony. He spoke of Christs grace and how its
sufficient, with enough to spare. They also show us the new videos the
church will release later this month  for Christmas, and they are

This week we have been teaching the familia Segundo, and it's such a
blessing. They talked to us in the street asking that we would teach
them, and their family is so sweet. Augustina is 10 years old, and she
is so dang intelligent, and she loves to read and pray. The holy ghost
truly is our companion when we teach them, and I'm so grateful God led
them to us.

This Sunday was probably my last in the ward, because next Sunday we
have stake conference, and then transfers the next day. I shared a
last testimony with them, and expressed my thanks for all they have
done for me. I'm gonna miss Palermo, and it's always the hardest

Today we went up the chairlift thing that is here in Salta, and it was
super fun! There's quite a bit a pictures.

1.service! zona
3.leadership meeting
4.aguenta salta oeste!!


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