Salta La Linda Nov 11, 2019

First off, this week we ate with the familia soto, and their grandma
is my favorite person in the world. She is literally mama coco "from
the movie coco haha" and she doesn't speak spanish. She only knows
Quechua and it was hilarious because she was telling us a story, and
it got pretty intense. I didn't understand anything, and it was one of
the funniest things I've heard, but I didn't want to laugh because I
wasn't sure if it was a sad story or not. Her daughter translated for
us and she ended up teaching us words and phrases in quechua.Mama coco
is awesome and she has such a deep love for Christ and her father in

We did a plaza abierta in Rosario de Lerma and it was super great! a
lot of missionaries went and even the assistants helped out. We placed
stands in the square and even a tent with a tv showing the trailer for
the Book of Mormon videos, and we invited everyone to come and learn
more about the church and our message. We talked to some great people,
and I love explaining more about the church, because almost everyone
has heard about ̈the Mormons ̈but have no idea what they believe. When
we explain how its the restored Church of Jesus Christ, it invites the
spirit and there is a spark of interest to know more and find out for
themselves if what we are saying is actually true.

This was probably my best week here in Palermo, and it was thanks to
the help from the members. you'd think we would've thought of that
before. They always have taught us the need to work together in
missionary work, but it's taken 16 months to get the hang of it.

Never before had I taught so many lessons with members of the church,
but it truly is the way it should be. They provide the friendship that
people learning about the church need, and help us find the people who
are really prepared for the Gospel.

This week we received changes and I'm going to the other zone in Salta!
I thought I was leaving but I just took a taxi to my new area haha and
Im with Elder Perkins! He was my companion in the MTC and he is so
awesome! wish us luck hahah

2.plaza abierta
3. district pic
5.Elder Perkins and I in front of our new house


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