Feliz Navidad Dec 24, 2019

Brief email sent 12/16/2019
Hey guys I don't have a lot of time today, and will start writing on
Saturdays. I've been assigned as assistant in the mission so well see
how this goes haha. Love you all! This week was amazing and Ill send
pics on saturday!

Email sent 12/24/2019
Life is crazy
My last week with Elder Perkins was awesome, and we had a huge
activity in a park with the movie "The Christ Child". It was such a
blessing to work with the members to plan it and in the end it turned
out great. SO many people went, and the spirit was so strong, and
President Orquera even went and it was so cool to see it all happen! I
have pictures but Elder Perkins has them so well have to wait till he
sends them to me.

Normally they give the new assistant a couple weeks to learn but  ever
since they called me there hasn't been time for anything! I was kinda
thrown into it all, but it's been awesome! Elder Garcia is my
companion and he's from Guatemala. In the past few days we've already
had 3 conferences, and have gone to Tucuman and Jujuy. It's been fun
trying to learn everything and take it all in.

We were blessed with a miracle because a lady I was teaching in my old
area, moved to where I am now right when I was transferred. She's
amazing and now we get to keep teaching her! Normally with all the
things we have to do throughout the week, we don't have a lot of time
to actually work and visit people. She's planning on being baptized in
a couple weeks, so it'll be great to share that experience with her
with the little time that we do have.

Oh and I also saw a family from my first ward in Villa alem when we
went to Tucuman! It was so great to see them

I love this time of year, and Im only lately beginning to actually
understand what it means. Christ is our savior and is the way to find
happiness in this life! Love you all

1.  the truck we get to drive
3.my comp and I
4.the fam from my first ward!
5. A race track we found
6.acitivity in Jujuy
7.the generational pic of assistants
8.Salta la Linda
9.acitivity in Tucuman
10. la zona salta


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