Good Times Dec 9, 2019

We traveled to Metan last Monday to visit the missionaries there and
we had district council in the dark because the lights went out! It
was a good time. The next day I did divisions with Elder Sperry and
that man is a beast! We talked with everyone we could about the Good
News, and we had some great experiences.

I love my companion and his testimony. We were teaching carolina and
Gaston about the restoration, and as Elder Perkins was teaching about
the First Vision, the spirit filled the room. He testified of the love
God has for us by restoring his church, and I received a confirmation
for myself that what he was saying was true. I know Joseph Smith saw
God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. He spoke to my Savior face to
face, and just like the prophets of old, revealed God's will to men.

Abi was baptized this saturday! She went from being afraid of water to
wanting to follow her sisters example so that one day she can go to
the temple.

We made cinnamon rolls like 4 times this week. Some were to share but
the majority were delicious.

Im loving life and Im grateful for the Light Christ brings to our lives


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