A Father in Heaven

I was so very blessed to have some experiences that strengthened my
testimony this week. It was another week of Traveling and doing
divisions with the Zone Leaders. No conferences so that was a nice
break, but honestly we got back yesterday more tired than last week

We started in Tartagal which is way in the North of Argentina. It was
raining a ton, and it was great to be with the missionaries there.
The next day we drove to Oran, and the road had fallen apart from all
the rain and on top of that it was flooded. Turns out our truck is a
good boat too so we made it through. In Oran we were with Elder
Perkins and Elder Jones, both who were my companions. They are so
awesome and such an example to me. I was with Elder Jones for the
afternoon and it was great to teach and testify of Christ.
We talked to a 15 year old girl named Gaby, for literally 5 minutes,
but after talking to her I realized how powerful prayer truly is. She
was praying for happiness, and it was perhaps the most heartfelt
prayer I have ever heard. She started to cry and was pleading to a
father in Heaven and I know without a doubt that she was heard. and I
know that she knows that too. I was speechless after and it was all we
could do to give her words of comfort but the Holy Ghost had already
done that. I feel so blessed to have been able to feel that spirit!

The next day we were in Jujuy and it also rained quite a bit! I went
with Elder Ashton and he's from my group so that was a lot of fun. We
tried to visit a lot of people without a lot of success and I was
hopeful but ready to head back to the pension by the end of the night.
We decided to talk to one more family, and I'm glad we did because
they let us in and wanted to hear our message. I think its funny how
God always seems to work in that way, but I'm grateful for the trial
of my faith and how I learn to trust in him. It was a humble family
with a cozy block house. It was cold too but the spirit physically
warmed up the house that night.

I went with Elder Fletcher in Alberdi the next day and we were able to
help a young girl resolve her doubts about baptism and feeling ready
to change. I felt the love of a loving father in heaven for her, and I
know he desired her well being and happiness.

On our way back to Salta we helped Guemes with a plaza Abierta and I
was amazed at how many people the Lord had prepared to hear our
message. More than anything I've seen and felt the love of our
Heavenly Father in the lives of random people I've met while working
in different parts of the mission.

And to top it all off late last night we got back but we still had
enough time to go and visit Gaspar. He's getting baptized this
afternoon, and hes just the sweetest little old man I know.
Last night he thanked us for changing his life and how he has felt
God's love with us. Its moments like that and so many others that make
my mission one of the best experiences of my life.
Love you all!

1. the fam
3.on the road
4.in jujuy
5.plaza abierta


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