Family Search Feb 8, 2020

Lately we have been blessed with lots of rain, and that has been a
nice break from the heat. This week we had 3 conferences in 3 days, in
3 zones and that was actually really fun! We started in Salta, and
then went to Jujuy and Tartagal.

On the way to Tartagal we passed through my fav lil pueblo of
Embarcacion. So many emotions as we drove by that night! I have so
many memories, and personal experiences from one of the hardest but
best times of my mission. It was definitely a turning point for me,
and I was humbled to be able to visit again. On the way back we
stopped and for 10 minutes said hi to Facundo and his wife. He was the
one who was pretty stubborn when I was there, and who decided to be
baptized a couple weeks ago! It was a special reunion and I'm so
grateful for the chance I had to see them again.

On Friday we drove to Tucuman to help with a Family Search Activity in
a Park. Family search is the Church's app that helps families find
their deceased loved ones online and learn about them and who they
were. It was super fun.

I had a cool experience helping Rocio find out more about her mom who
had passed away a few years ago. I saw that she had already talked to
the missionaries a few minutes before, and was reading the title page
of the Book of Mormon. I walked over and after talking for a bit,
invited her over to the stand we had. She accepted and we helped her
make an account! People are drawn to our message for the hope it
brings us. Families can truly be together forever.

Today we went to the mountains nearby Salta and we took some cool
pics! Hasta luego

1.Facundo y Alejandra
2.Family Search activity
3. Elder Garcia and I
4.our sweet ride
5.starting a handstand album donkey friend
7. Look at that cactus


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