Fast for the House of the Lord Mar 7, 2020

Howzit mis amigos
This week my new companion Elder Sperry got here and he's super
awesome. This week we've been showing him some of the stuff we do in
our assignment and Im super excited for these next 12 weeks to work
with him and serve the missionaries in this mission.

Last week hermano Gaspar was baptized! He was at the church before we
were and it was so cool to see him take this step of faith and follow
the Savior by being baptized. There's always a special spirit
manifested in ordinances like baptism, and afterwards he thanked us
again for helping him reach this point in his life.

He asked me to confirm him and give him the Holy Ghost. It was the
first time I had ever done it in my mission, and in my life, because
we always had asked members to do it, but I was grateful he thought of
me and it was an experience I will never forget. I know that God's
priesthood has been restored to the earth and its such a blessing to
act in the name of Christ.

Speaking of spiritual experiences, Teresa is also getting baptized
tonight!!! If you remember she was the sweet older lady we were led to
a couple of weeks ago, and she is a ball of love and is just waiting
for the moment to be baptized and be cleansed and start on the path of

We actually went to visit her this week and she had written a note
saying how she had changed her mind and wasn't feeling ready for
baptism. We respected her decision but asked if we could still share
something with her family. We read a scripture together and I shared
how the Lord, like with Peter, was inviting her to take a "step" of
faith and follow him. Her family also shared their testimonies with
her and WOW it honestly wasn't anything we had said but the spirit was
so strong.

She stopped us and said, " if the gift of the Holy Ghost is anything
like what I'm feeling right now, I want to feel it forever. You can
forget about the letter, I want to be baptized"

I remember thanking God for his spirit and for the change Teresa had
in her heart, and for the fact that we were there to feel it too.
Everyday I realize this is the work of the Almighty, and when we left
the house we all just had a group hug. GOOD TIMES

As the title says, lately we've all been fasting so that everything
can go well with the paperwork so that they can start working on the
Temple. It just needs one more signature!! There is power in fasting
and I know God will hear our prayers as he did in ancient times. We
are preparing Salta for a house of the Lord, his temple! How cool

This week we've been working on transfers with President, and on
Monday Elder Garcia is leaving. I have loved these two transfers with
him and I have learned so many things from him. He will be missed, but
I'm stoked to be with Elder Sperry and were not slowing down a bit
with the work. We are receiving 16 new missionaries on Tuesday and I
love picking them up! it's always a blast.

Elder Blackburn


1. preparing a council with Elder Garcia
3.lots of soccer!
4.what left from a rico asado


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