Here Him! Feb 29,2020

This week started out with a call early in the morning from some
elders in Palermo (my old Area) saying they need our help with going
to civil registration for someone they are teaching because one of
them was sick. My companion stayed in the apartment with the sick
elder while I went to go with the other to work out the paperwork. I
was so glad I did because when we got there I realized that the couple
was someone that I had found with Elder Bustos! I never got to see
them progress because I left the area but what a blessing it was to
see them after all this time making changes in their lives so that
they could keep the commandments and follow the example of Christ.

Also while in Palermo I was able to visit a family that I had baptized
(Montenegro) and they told me how well they were doing and how their
daughter had gone to Fsy (a youth activity) and that she had shared
her testimony and everything!

 It's such a blessing it be an instrument in the hands of God.

And I think thats what ive been realizing a lot lately. We can be
super talented or not, but this work is the work of the Lord, and it
will get done in his way.

Last night we talked to the sweetest old lady, Tereza, who told us how
we were like angels led to her door. She had been going through a hard
time and praying for help, and thanks to so many things that "just so
happened" we were able to find her in her time of need, teach about
Jesus Christ, and invite her to follow him and be baptized.

I know God heard her prayers and led us to her. Even when sometimes we
aren't able to follow all the promptings from the spirit, in one way
or another the Lord accomplishes his will.

Yesterday we also had a leadership council for the missionaries and it
was awesome! We watched the video I've attached below and I invite you
all to watch it as well. Its Russell M. Nelson, God's prophet on the
earth today, inviting us to listen to the voice of our savior and act
on what he says.

Sure love you all!

1.el consejo
3.conf en tartagal
4.salta oeste
5.salta norte
6. today playing soccer


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