No Sleep Mar 14. 2020

We picked up 16 new missionaries from the airport this week and it was
so much fun. We didn't sleep a lot this week what with all the
transfers, the new missionaries, detours for the travel buses and the
corona virus but we doin gooooood. I've learned to live off 4 hours of
sleep. (im joking but it does happen a lot)

Teresa's baptism was perhaps the most spiritual baptism I've ever been
to, and it was such a blessing to see from the beginning to end how
God played his part in her happiness and progression towards baptism.
She's a special soul and it was so cool to see her make that covenant
with her savior. Her family is getting more active too so that's a

It's a crazy time we live in with the Corona Virus and all. People are
fearful but I think it's more from how everyone is reacting and less
from the actual virus itself. Whatever it is, there is a lot of
uncertainty and panic.  But I trust in my Savior and in his prophets
and apostles. They love us and want to guide us, and we need to follow
their councils as they seek to do the will of our Savior.
This is a time where many will seek God and humble themselves seeking
for his guidance. It's been a neat experience working with president
as we make plans for the mission and how were helping the missionaries
follow the council from our leaders.

Hugo is doing well but when we went he hadn't read the Book of Mormon
for a week, and had fallen back into his old habits and addictions. we
talked with him about his hopes for his life and what he was doing to
act on his faith. He realized that he had just expected God to bless
him without doing anything on his part. we read in ether with him
where it says,
that "faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore,
dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after
the trial of your faith."

It was so cool to see his determination to do better and after we bore
testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon. He told us, holding up
the book, " These are the words of God, and if I want to change I need
to read them." It was pretty special

stay safe everyone. LOVE YOU, Elder Blackburn

1. "santa clause" or Jorge, a guy I was teaching in San Ignacio
2. Elder Garcia´s last day
3. Teresas baptism
4.Teresas family favorite family to eat lunch with
6. stake Conference


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