The Power of the Fast Oct 14, 2019
Well this week was full of great experiences! It was also SUPER SUPER HOT so we kinda died a bit walking in the street but were all good. These are the days when you work hard throughout the day, and when you get back to the apartment you're exhausted, but in the end you've never been more content or happy. Its a good life CLAUDIA is so great and she even came to church this Sunday! (fasting works miracles) when we met her she said she didn't see the point in going to church, but on Thursday we taught her about the Sabbath day and the need to make covenants(or promises) with God. We shared our testimonies and she ended up agreeing to coming to church! It was amazing and at church that day I felt the spirit very strongly. On Friday CATERINA was married and then baptized!! Her whole journey has been a miracle. Both her and her husband are striving to make changes in their lives, and to follow the savior, and its been great to share that journey with them. Saturday the ...