Ya fue la vida, ya fue la mision April 2, 2020

We leave this Saturday. We weren't sure about how they were going to fly us out with the whole quarantine thing, and the fact that we cant travel within the provinces of Argentina made it seem impossible. Long story short we are all taking buses to Buenos Aires tonight (a 20 hour drive) and then we´ll fly out Saturday morning. (a 20 hour flight) basically i am going to be one smelly man once I get home I could say many things seeing as this is probably my last email but more than anything I feel grateful for these past years. I have grown to know and love my Savior Jesus Christ. He is my friend and my redeemer. I love him and his gospel. This is his work in the latter days and his church has been restored. What a message to share! Argentina has become my second home and I thank my father in heaven for having sent me here. The people I have met and taught and served with have changed me forever. Nos vemos! - Elder Blackburn Matt...